Gordon Ramsay Tartar Sauce Recipe (2024)

Although tartar sauce has been around since the 19th century and is served worldwide under different names, no one does it better than Gordon Ramsay.

Gordon Ramsay’s Tartar Sauce is made with chopped pickles, capes, mayo, and herbs.

It is served as a seasoning with clam fillets, fish sandwiches, simple fries, fish and chips, fried calamari, seared lobster, and plenty of other dishes.

If you haven’t tried any of Gordon Ramsay’s recipes, this Tartar sauce is the best to start.

Gordon Ramsay Tartar Sauce Recipe (1)

We’ve prepared the easiest Gordon Ramsay Tartar Sauce recipe so thatyou can enjoy a chef-level sauce with little effort required.

How to Make Gordon Ramsay Tartar Sauce

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It may be hard to believe, but the Tartar sauce from the world-famous chef is based on mayonnaise or sriracha aioli (olive oil and garlic).

Quite simple if you ask us.

However, some other ingredients and lemon juice make it a restaurant-level sauce.

It is also important to note that although this is a 6-ingredient recipe, you can and should add variations of your favorite ingredients to suit your palate.

However, let’s see what’s so special about this savory Gordon Ramsay Tartar Sauce.


(4 servings)

  • ½ cup mayonnaise
  • ½ to 1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 small dill pickle
  • 1 tbsp fresh lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp capers
  • 1 tbsp chopped fresh dill
  • 2 tbsp chopped onion
  • ½ tsp Dijon mustard (optional)
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Gordon Ramsay Tartar Sauce Recipe (2)


Are you disappointed or uplifted by the few ingredients required?

The elements of this Gordon Ramsay sauce prove once again that you don’t need to be a chef to make chef-level dishes.

Although Gordon Ramsay’s tartar might look like a pudding, it won’t taste sweet even if you add a little sugar.

However, it is essential to get excellent quality mayonnaise for this tartar, considering it’s a core ingredient.

Heinz Mayo and Best Foods will yield the best results.

But it is even more recommended to make your own.

Once you have the right mayo for your homemade tartar, consider it done since it is super easy to make. No exaggerations.

Step 1:

Combine mayonnaise, lemon juice, onions, Worcestershire sauce, dill pickle, fresh dill, capers, and mustard, and mix well until creamy perfection.

Add some salt and pepper to taste.

Note: Add refrigerated pickles and use only fresh lemon juice for a tangy flavor for an extra crunch.

Step 2:

Refrigerate for around 20-30 minutes.

Enjoy it with all of your favorite sides for an ultimate experience.

Ingredient Substitution

Mayonnaise and Worcestershire sauce make the most of this Gordon Ramsay Tartar Sauce.

And as long as you follow the recipe, you are good.

However, it still doesn’t mean you can’t tweak the recipe a little here or there.

This recipe has as much room as you would like to add.

We even encourage you to substitute some ingredients for a more flavorful and classic fish sauce.

Soy sauce

Worcestershire sauce is an unusual ingredient in the Gordon Ramsay Tartar sauce.

Yet, it brings it all together and adds a nice flavor.

However, it might not be as common in your pantry as soy sauce.

So, you can easily substitute Worcestershire sauce with soy sauce in a 1:1 ratio.

The soy sauce doesn’t have the same tartness or spice as the Worcestershire, but the sweetness and plenty of umami flavors will make up for it.

And it has a similar consistency so thatit won’t alter the texture of your Tartar Sauce altogether.

Green olives

Capers are even less of a common ingredient than the Worcestershire sauce in this recipe.

The good news is that they are optional so you can use chopped green olives instead.

Use large green olives packed in water.

They mimic the salty flavor of capers.

Roughly chop them and use one tablespoon of chopped olives instead of capers.

Greek yogurt

Gordon Ramsay Tartar Sauce Recipe (3)

Though mayo is the main ingredient, not everyone considers it healthy enough.

So, we recommend something you can use instead for a healthy homemade Tartar Sauce.

For many, Greek yogurt is the favorite mayo substitute, not only because of the texture but due to a variety of health benefits as well.

Greek yogurt is rich in protein and a great source of micronutrients and vitamins.

Plus, it has a tangy flavor similar to that of mayonnaise.

Greek yogurt works for every recipe that calls for mayonnaise, especially this tartar sauce.

What to Serve with Gordon Ramsay Tartar Sauce

Because of its texture, Tartar Sauce works well with any dish that calls for some creaminess.

It is most commonly served with seafood.

However, it also works well with roasted vegetables, chicken, beef, sandwiches, and other dishes.

Here are the staples we recommend trying with chef Ramsay’s Tartar Sauce.

Fried crab legs

Gordon Ramsay Tartar Sauce Recipe (4)

This creamy condiment is commonly served with seafood since its acidity helps to balance out the richness and fishiness of these dishes.

The best way to cook fish is to pair it with tartar sauce.

That’s why deep-fried crab legs seasoned with garlic, onion, old bay, and cayenne dipped in Tartar Sauce are something out of this world.

But don’t worry, it is easier to cook than it seems.

All you need is to extract the crab meat, season it, coat it in egg mixture, and fry it, flipping every 2 minutes until golden brown.

You can probably whip it up while the tartar sauce is in the fridge.

Chicken bites

If there is anything Tartar sauce tastes better with than seafood, it’s chicken bites.

The acidity of the Tartar sauce cuts through the richness of the chicken bites, while the creamy texture provides a great contrast to the crunch.

Tartar is probably the best sauce to use for fried chicken bites.

But it works just as well on chicken fingers, nuggets, and grilled chicken.

You can even use it as a dressing for chicken salad.

You can never go wrong here.


Since Gordon Ramsay Tartar Sauce is quite fatty, it works wonderfully with everything that is not.

So, if you are tired of a classical fish-tartar pairing, try it with the good old steak.

The creamy tartar texture creates a great contrast to a crunchy steak.

It also centralizes the steak flavors but doesn’t overshadow them.

Could there be anything better? Drizzle a bit of Tartar on top of your steak or use it as a dipping sauce.

How to Store Gordon Ramsay Tartar Sauce

Usually, store-bought Tartar sauce will last about six months.

But that’s not the case with the homemade tartar sauce.

Homemade Tartar will keep well in the fridge for a much shorter time, and only if it is stored correctly.

To store it for longer, you could consider a freezer. But should you?

We know what works best.

Store Gordon Ramsay Tartar Sauce in the Fridge

To store Tartar sauce in the fridge, transfer it to an airtight container.

It will help it stay fresh for one week.

However, mind the creamy nature of the sauce.

It is something you may want to make fresh for your seafood dishes.

It should be discarded if the Tartar sauce develops an off odor, flavor, or mold.

Store Gordon Ramsay Tartar Sauce in the Freezer

In most cases, the store-bought Tartar sauce will have a label indicating that it shouldn’t be frozen.

That’s because of the mayonnaise in the dressing.

It will be a disaster once you thaw it—the Tartar will be in pieces.

The same applies to the homemade Tartar sauce, regardless of if you use mayo or Greek yogurt.

So, the best option here would be to leave the mayonnaise out, only adding it to the rest of the ingredients after thawing.

But does it make any sense?

We don’t recommend freezing the Tartar sauce.

Just whip it up when you feel like it!

Gordon Ramsay Tartar Sauce Recipe (5)

Gordon Ramsay Tartar Sauce Recipe

Gordon Ramsay’s Tartar Sauce is easier to make than it seems. It is a 6-ingredient sauce you can whip up in minutes and enjoy with all your favorite seafood and meat dishes. Perfect chef-level sauce for dipping or seasoning. You need it, today!

5 from 10 votes

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Prep Time 5 minutes mins

Cook Time 5 minutes mins

Resting time 20 minutes mins

Total Time 30 minutes mins

Course Condiment

Cuisine American

Servings 4

Calories 391 kcal


  • bowl

  • Container for storing


  • ½ cup mayonnaise
  • ½ to 1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 small dill pickle
  • 1 tbsp fresh lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp capers
  • 1 tbsp chopped fresh dill
  • 2 tbsp chopped onion
  • ½ tsp Dijon mustard optional
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Combine mayonnaise, lemon juice, onions, Worcestershire sauce, dill pickle, fresh dill, capers, and mustard, and mix well until creamy perfection.

    Add some salt and pepper to taste. Note: for an extra crunch, add refrigerated pickles and use only fresh lemon juice for a tangy flavor.

  • Refrigerate for around 20-30 minutes. Enjoy it with all of your favorite sides for an ultimate experience.


Calories: 391kcalCarbohydrates: 3gProtein: 1gFat: 42gSaturated Fat: 7gPolyunsaturated Fat: 25gMonounsaturated Fat: 9gTrans Fat: 1gCholesterol: 24mgSodium: 743mgPotassium: 68mgFiber: 1gSugar: 1gVitamin A: 75IUVitamin C: 2mgCalcium: 18mgIron: 1mg

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Gordon Ramsay Tartar Sauce Recipe (2024)
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