How To Install and Setup iTerm2 on Mac - Mac Research (2024)

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What is iTerm2 for Mac

iTerm2 for Mac is a command-line tool that replaces the default Terminal command line once installed on the computer. iTerm2 on Mac is supposed to add new features to the default Terminal app and make it easier to use and work with.

The default Terminal app that Macs have by default in their Utilities folder gets the job done, but if you are someone who needs to frequently work with a command line, then there are ways to make your work more efficient. One of those ways is to install iTerm2 on your Mac. This app basically enhances the base Terminal functionality and adds an array of new and really helpful features that can help make your work easier, more effective, and more efficient. We will have a quick look at some of those features below, and then we will tell you something about installing and setting up iTerm2.

iTerm2 on Mac Features

iTerm2 on Mac is a powerful tool that replaces the built-in Mac Terminal, introducing to it a variety of improvements. If you need to use the Terminal command line of your Mac on a regular basis, installing iTerm2 on your Mac can be very helpful.

Here is a quick overlook of some of the many benefits and additional features that come with installing iTerm2:

Split panels

This feature lets you separate any given tab into several panels, each of them with a different session shown in it – perfect for multitaskers and people who are working on large projects with many different moving parts

How To Install and Setup iTerm2 on Mac - Mac Research (1)


iTerm2 also has a nifty search too, that always stays on top of all other windows, so that it’s never obscured by the iTerm2 UI. The Search tool quickly highlights all matching phrases in a given panel and has regular expression support.

How To Install and Setup iTerm2 on Mac - Mac Research (2)

Hotkey Window

You can set a designated keyboard shortcut for iTerm2 that lets you summon an iTerm2 window with the press of that keyboard combination, no matter what app you are using at the moment. You can even specify which iTerm2 window will open with which keyboard shortcut.

Paste History

This feature does exactly what its name suggests – with iTerm2, you have the option to see the history of text you’ve recently copied and/or pasted in iTerm2. There’s even the option to export that history to a file on your drive.

How To Install and Setup iTerm2 on Mac - Mac Research (3)


A window with suggestions pops open every time you start typing a word that has already appeared in the current Terminal window. The algorithm of this feature seems to be quite effective, as it usually manages to correctly guess what you are trying to type by putting that word/phrase on the top of the suggestions list.

Copy Mode

This feature allows you to use keyboard combinations to edit the text in a Terminal window.

Configuration options

There is a huge variety of ways you can customize and configure the iTerm2 Terminal so that it best suits your needs and preferences.

How To Install and Setup iTerm2 on Mac - Mac Research (4)

Instant Replay

With Instant Replay, you can revisit past moments of a given Terminal window and thus recover any text you’ve deleted but now want to restore.

…and many more!…

The features we’ve mentioned thus far are only a small portion of all the great improvements that iTerm2 brings to your base Terminal command line. The app tool is very easy to install and can be downloaded for free, so if you tend to spend a lot of time working with the Terminal of your Mac, we highly recommend getting iTerm2 to make your work easier, faster, more efficient, and more effective.

Is iTerm2 only for Mac?

iTerm2 is only available for Mac systems – it cannot be used on Windows or Linux systems. iTerm2 can only be installed on Macs that run on macOS 10.14 or later – the tool can be downloaded for free from its official site.

iTerm2 is specifically designed to serve as a Terminal replacement, which is why it’s not available on other operating systems. If you are a Windows or a Linux user, there are other tools that can help improve the functionality of your base command-line tools. For Mac users, who wish to get iTerm2 installed on their Macs, note that your Mac’s operating system must be 10.14 (macOS Mojave) or newer. If you are running on an older macOS release, upgrade to a newer one that’s compatible with iTerm2 in order to be able to use that tool.

How to set up iTerm2 for Mac

To set up iTerm2 for Mac, you need to have Homebrew installed before you get the Iterm2 tool. Next, to set up iTerm2 on your Mac, after you install the tool, check it for required updates and also install Oh My Zsh.

It is recommended to have Homebrew installed on your Mac before you actually get iTerm2. You can get Homebrew from this site or simply run the following command in your Terminal and the installation will commence.

  • $ /usr/bin/ruby -e “$(curl -fsSL”

You can get iTerm2 from this link. Simply move the downloaded file to your Applications folder, and you will have iTerm2 installed on your Mac. Another way to install it is to run the following command in your Terminal (you need to already have Homebrew installed for this command to work):

  • $ brew cask install iterm2

Next, to make we recommend installing Oh My Zsh – this adds plugins, themes, and other additional features to your iTerm2 Terminal. You can easily install Oh My Zsh with the following Terminal command:

  • $ sh -c “$(curl -fsSL”

Finally, we recommend installing Powerlevel10k – one of the most popular themes for iTerm2. After it is installed, you can configure it to your liking. To install Powerlevel10k, use the next Terminal commands.

  • $ git clone –depth=1 ~/powerlevel10k
  • $ echo ‘source ~/powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k.zsh-theme’ >>! ~/.zshrc

There are many more helpful plugins that you can add to your iTerm2 in order to greatly enhance it, but those three should be enough to get you started.

How do I install iTerm2 on Mac?

To install iTerm2 on Mac, first, install Homebrew and then download the iTerm2 installation file from the tool’s site. After that, to install iTerm2 on Mac, simply click Open, then click Move to Applications folder and the app will be installed.

The installation of iTerm2 on Mac is actually really easy – just download the app from the link we’ve provided above, and you are good to go.

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It’s recommended to move the app to your Applications folder after you download it and to also check it for updates. To check for new iTerm2 updates and install them, open the app, click the iTerm2 menu, and click Check for Updates – if any updates are found, be sure to install them.

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How do I open iTerm2 on Mac?

To open iTerm 2, you simply need to double-click its icon – the one that you downloaded. If you go through the process of setting up hotkeys for the app, you will also be able to open iTerm2 through a specified by you keyboard combination.

One of the many pluses of iTerm2 is that users can launch it and its windows through keyboard shortcuts (hotkeys). However, to do that, you’ll first need to set up those hotkeys:

  1. Open iTerm2 (it should be in your Applications folder if you’ve agreed to move it there).
  2. Click the iTerm2 menu from the top, and go to Preferences.
    How To Install and Setup iTerm2 on Mac - Mac Research (7)
  3. Go to Profiles, select a profile for which you want to set up a hotkey, and select the Keys section in the right panel.
    How To Install and Setup iTerm2 on Mac - Mac Research (8)
  4. Check the A Hotkey opens a dedicated window for this profile option, then select on Click to set, and press a key from your keyboard to serve as a hotkey.
    How To Install and Setup iTerm2 on Mac - Mac Research (9)
  5. After that, customize the other hotkey settings if you’d like and save the changes by clicking OK.

Once you’ve done this, you will be able to start iTerm2 windows using the keyboard hotkeys that you’ve set up.

How To Install and Setup iTerm2 on Mac - Mac Research (2024)


How To Install and Setup iTerm2 on Mac - Mac Research? ›

How do I install iTerm2 on Mac? To install iTerm2 on Mac, first, install Homebrew and then download the iTerm2 installation file from the tool's site. After that, to install iTerm2 on Mac, simply click Open, then click Move to Applications folder and the app will be installed.

How to configure iTerm2? ›

  1. Install and configure iTerm2. $ brew cask install iterm2. ...
  2. Install a patched font. The patched font is the font used by iTerm2 to display characters, and you'll need a special one for special characters like arrows and git icons. ...
  3. Install Zsh and Oh my Zsh. ...
  4. Add Powerlevel9k Zsh Theme. ...
  5. Final tweaking. ...
  6. Visual Studio Code config.

How do I install iTerm on my Macbook Pro? ›

Installing iTerm on a Mac
  1. You can download iTerm from by clicking the big download button at the bottom of the homepage.
  2. Once you've done that, unzip that file and drag and drop the "iTerm" application into your "Applications" folder for permanent storage.

Is iTerm2 better than Terminal? ›

If your primary motive is just to run commands and scripts, Terminal and iTerm2 are both capable of that. But things like ease of access, multi-tasking, and customizability make iTerm2 shine over Terminal.

How to install zsh on Mac terminal? ›

Install Zsh on Mac
  1. Before installing zsh on your Mac, you need to determine whether or not Homebrew is already present on your device. First, open the Terminal by going to Launchpad and typing Terminal . Then enter the command brew . ...
  2. To install zsh simply paste the following command: brew install zsh.
Mar 1, 2023

What is the difference between zsh and iTerm2? ›

iTerm2 is a terminal emulator meant to be a replacement for macOS terminal and is far more feature rich. It's the terminal program providing you with a command line interface. ZSH is a specific shell, as is bash, the same way linux is a specific operating system.

How to configure zsh on macOS? ›

zshrc file for reference and adjust it according to your own needs.
  1. Step 1: Install Zsh. brew install zsh. ...
  2. Step 2: Install Oh-My-Zsh. In terminal type the following command: sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  3. Step 3: Configure Oh-My-Zsh. ...
  4. Step 4: Install Plugins.

What is the iTerm2 command on a Mac? ›

iTerm2 Key Combinations
Split Window Vertically (same profile)command + d
Split Window Horizontally (same profile)shift + command + d
(drag the pane from anywhere) Move a pane with the mousealt + shift + command + drag
Fullscreencommand + enter
24 more rows

What is the configure terminal command? ›

The configure terminal command enters Global mode. In this mode, you can create system-wide resources for various system service, configure global behaviors, and enter specialized configuration modes.

What is the difference between iTerm and iTerm2? ›

Terminal's split panes give you two views of the same window, while iTerm2's give you unlimited independent terminals in one tab. iTerm supports opening windows in full screen by default, and there is an option to use custom full screen windows that don't have the animations for changing spaces and don't disable ⌘H.

How do I know if zsh is installed? ›

Most versions of macOS ship with zsh pre-installed. You can check if this is the case and if so, which version you are running using the command: zsh --version . If the version is 4.3. 9 or higher, you should be good to go (we'll need at least this version to install Oh My Zsh later on).

How do I download full installer on Mac Terminal? ›

Create a bootable installer for OS X
  1. Download the OS X installer from the Mac App Store. ...
  2. Mount your USB flash drive or other volume. ...
  3. Open the Terminal app, which is in the Utilities folder of your Applications folder.
  4. Use the createinstallmedia command in Terminal to create the bootable installer. ...
  5. Path for High Sierra:

What is the alternative to iTerm2 on Mac? ›

Top 10 Alternatives to iTerm2 Recently Reviewed By G2 Community
  • MobaXTerm. (92)4.6 out of 5.
  • SecureCRT. (52)4.8 out of 5.
  • PuTTY. (331)4.5 out of 5.
  • GNOME Terminal. (13)4.5 out of 5.
  • TeraTerm. (18)4.4 out of 5.
  • ConEmu. (13)4.8 out of 5.
  • Alacritty. (12)4.3 out of 5.
  • Rocket Terminal Emulator. (64)4.4 out of 5.

Does iTerm2 work on M1? ›

The ultimate Mac M1 Terminal (iTerm2 + Oh My Zsh + zsh-syntax-highlighting ) iTerm2 is a replacement for Terminal and the successor to iTerm. It works on Macs with macOS 10.14 or newer.

What is the default iTerm for Mac? ›

The default is terminal, but choose iTerm2 and click on change all. For example, in my situation I had to find launchPackager. command file under node_modules/react-native/scripts/. Do the above with that file and it will make iTerm your default terminal after clicking change all.

How do I install a package in Mac terminal? ›

Command-line installation
  1. Download the . pkg file.
  2. Launch the Terminal app ( terminal. app ).
  3. Run the following command: installer -pkg <path_to_pkg>/<pkg_name>.pkg -target /
  4. Enter the Administrator password.
  5. Temurin installs to /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/temurin-<version>.<jdk|jre>/

How to install code in Mac terminal? ›

How to Open VS Code from Terminal Mac
  1. Step 1: Download the free VS Code zip file from Microsoft.
  2. Step 2: Extract the application from the zip file.
  3. Step 3: Drag the Visual Studio file to Applications.
  4. Step 3: Double Click on the Application to start it up.
Jan 17, 2023

How to install code command in Mac terminal? ›

Enable VS Code in your terminal

Press command + shift + p to open the command palette, then type "install code", and then click Shell command: Install 'code' command in PATH. In your terminal, type code YOUR_FILENAME` to open that file in VS Code.

How to install Mac app from terminal? ›

Run an application inside Terminal.
  1. Locate the application in Finder.
  2. Right-click the application and select "Show Package Contents."
  3. Locate the executable file. ...
  4. Drag that file onto your blank Terminal command line. ...
  5. Leave your Terminal window open while you use the application.

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