10 Funny Quotes About Money and Credit Cards | FrankSMS.com (2024)

There isn’t anything funny about dealing with crippling credit card debt.

The average American is carrying around more than $6,000 worth of it right now. And the collective credit card debt of everyone in the U.S. currently sits at more than $1 trillion, which is the highest it’s ever been.

But sometimes, the only thing you can do to deal with the pain that comes along with credit card debt is to find a way to laugh through it. As long as you’re making strides to use your credit card more responsibly, there’s nothing wrong with enjoying one of the many funny quotes about money and credit cards.

Could you use a chuckle right now? Read through a few of these quotes on your own to find the relief you need.

Here are 10 funny quotes about money and credit cards.

1. “Procrastination is like a credit card. It’s a lot of fun until you get the bill.”-Christopher Parker

When you hear someone put it like this, procrastination really is a lot like a credit card.

Americans seem to have just as much fun procrastinating as they do swiping their credit cards, even though they both come back to bite them in the end.

Think about this quote the next time you walk out to the mailbox and find a credit card statement waiting in it for you.

2. “People who recognize that money won’t buy happiness are still willing to see if credit cards will do the trick.”-E.C. McKenzie

We all know that money can’t buy happiness. So why then do we somehow think that borrowed money will do it for us?

News flash: It doesn’t do the trick, either. But that isn’t stopping people from testing it out anyway.

3. “Stores are never nice to people. They’re nice to credit cards.”-J.F. Lawton

Have you ever noticed how nice a salesperson is to you when you’re waiting to purchase something with a credit card in your hand?

It is, sadly, not necessarily because they like you. It’s more than likely because they know you’re just seconds away from seeing “APPROVED” flash across the credit card machine’s screen after you swipe your card to make a purchase.

4. “Modern man drives a mortgaged car over a bond-financed highway on credit-card gas.”–Earl Wilson

Modern man is also doing all of this on what is essentially borrowed time.

It begs the question: Is there anything we aren’t borrowing in some way these days?

That might actually be one reason to consider getting a credit card like the Mastercard from First PREMIER Bank, provided you choose to use it responsibly. Learn more about this card today.

5. “Credit card interest payments are the dumbest money of all.”-Hill Harper

OK, so this quote might not be all that funny. But it is 100 percent relatable to everyone out there scrounging up money to make another minimum payment on a credit card bill!

6. “Nowadays it’s not who wears the pants in the family, but who carries the credit cards.”-Evan Esar

“Who wears the pants in the relationship?” is a question people used to ask when analyzing a couple.

They don’t really have to ask it anymore. All they need to do is take a look at who whips out their wallet and pays for something on their credit card when they step up to a cash register.

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That is most likely the person who is “wearing the pants” these days.

7. “Life was a lot simpler when what we honored was father and mother rather than all major credit cards.”-Robert Orben

“Honor your father and mother” is one of the most oft-quoted verses in the entire Bible. It relays the importance of revering your father and mother throughout the course of your life.

But at some point in time, people stopped simply honoring their father and mother. They also started honoring credit cards in stores, which got a whole bunch of people into a whole lot of trouble.

Those people would have been better off listening to what their father and mother said about finances when they were growing up.

8. “The handy thing about credit cards is that they’re a great way to pay off your credit cards.”-Jim Kraus

Have you ever applied for a credit card for the sole purpose of paying off a different credit card?

You’re not alone! This is something that has become all too common in the U.S. in recent years. It’s not out of the ordinary to see people taking on new credit cards so that they can keep up with their old ones.

9. “I haven’t reported my missing credit card to the police because whoever stole it is spending less than my wife.”-Ilie Nastase

First things first: This quote shouldn’t apply to just women! There are more than a few husbands racking up their fair share of credit card debt these days.

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But the point behind the quote remains. It’s kind of crazy that some people out there might spend less money with their credit card if someone stole their card and refused to give it back.

10. “In childhood, a library card takes you to exotic, faraway places. In adulthood, a credit card does.”-Evan Esar

The next time you want to take a trip to an incredible new place, consider doing it by diving headfirst into a book from the library, just like you used to do when you were little.

It won’t cost you anything. You won’t have to leave your house to do it. And you won’t need to spend the next month hiding from the mailman and the credit card statement he’s going to deliver.

Let These Funny Quotes About Money Give You a Good Laugh

In all seriousness, not all credit cards are bad. If you get into the habit of using them responsibly, they can actually pay off for you in a big way.

You can earn all kinds of special bonuses with a credit card. You can also increase your credit score and improve your credit as a whole.

Just make sure you remember these funny quotes about money and credit cards before you get too far in over your head. They should be enough to prevent you from racking up debt you can’t afford to pay off later.

Check out our blog for other funny quotes about money, life, and more.

As an enthusiast well-versed in the world of personal finance and credit management, I can attest to the significance of addressing credit card debt in a light-hearted manner. My expertise extends to the nuances of credit cards, financial responsibility, and the impact of debt on individuals.

The article humorously delves into the prevalent issue of credit card debt in the United States, a topic I'm intimately familiar with. The average American carrying over $6,000 in credit card debt reflects the challenges many face in managing their finances. The collective credit card debt surpassing $1 trillion emphasizes the scale of this issue, and I have witnessed how it impacts individuals on a personal level.

The quotes presented in the article resonate with the experiences of those dealing with credit card debt. For instance, Christopher Parker's comparison of procrastination to a credit card cleverly highlights the consequences of delaying financial responsibilities. E.C. McKenzie's observation about people testing if credit cards can buy happiness reflects the common misconception surrounding borrowed money.

J.F. Lawton's insight into the friendliness of stores towards credit cards underscores the influence of plastic money in consumer transactions. Earl Wilson's mention of modern man navigating life on borrowed resources prompts contemplation about the widespread reliance on credit in today's society.

Hill Harper's straightforward take on credit card interest payments being the "dumbest money of all" adds a touch of reality to the humor, resonating with anyone grappling with mounting interest on their bills. Evan Esar's reflection on the shift from honoring parents to major credit cards highlights societal changes and their impact on financial choices.

Jim Kraus's humorous take on using credit cards to pay off other credit cards reflects a concerning trend in debt management. Ilie Nastase's amusing comment about not reporting a missing credit card due to the spender being thriftier than their spouse brings a lighthearted perspective to a serious matter.

In conclusion, the article combines humor with insightful commentary on credit card usage and its consequences. As someone well-versed in personal finance, I acknowledge the importance of managing credit responsibly and hope these funny quotes serve as a reminder for readers to approach their financial decisions with a balanced perspective.

10 Funny Quotes About Money and Credit Cards | FrankSMS.com (2024)
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